"Murabbiy" ilmiy-ma'rifiy jurnali jurnali Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti negizida 2020 yilda tashkil topgan bo‘lib, manaviy hayot, ijtimoiy turmush tarzdagi muammolar tadqiqiiga bag’ishlangan. Jurnal dissertatsiyaning asosiy natijalari e’lon qilinishi kerak bo‘lgan ilmiy jurnallar ro‘yxatiga kiritilgan. Jurnalda asosan, mustaqil tadqiqotchilar, doktarantlar, falsafa doktorligi (PhD) ga nomzodlar dissertatsiyasi, fan doktori darajasidagi izlanishlarga doir maqolalar nashr etiladi.
"Murabbiy" ilmiy-ma'rifiy jurnalining vazifasi – bu mualliflar va kitobxonlar o‘rtasida ilmiy o‘zaro ta’sir o‘tkazish uchun samarali platformani yaratishdir. "Murabbiy" ilmiy-ma'rifiy jurnali qo‘yidagi yo‘nalishlarni o‘z ichiga oladi: 1.Ta'lim va tarbiyaning dolzarb masalalari, 2.Yoshlar innovatsion faolligini ta’minlashda sotsial-iqtisodiy, ma’naviy, badiiy va estetik idealning belgilovchilik roli va ahamiyati, 3. Yoshlar ma’naviy-axloqiy ongini rivojlantirishning ustuvor masalalari, 4. Yoshlarda hayotiy pozisiyani shakllantirishda innovatsion yondashuvlar kabi masalalarni qamrab olgan ilmiy nashrdir.
Jurnalning asosiy maqsadi o‘zbek va chet el tadqiqotchilarining fundamental va amaliy ahamiyatga molik bo‘lgan ilmiy yutuqlarini aks ettirish orqali ta’lim-tarbiya, milliy g’oya, ma’naviyat asoslari, tarix va jamiyat sohasidagi ilm-fan rivojlanishiga ko‘maklashishdan iboratdir. Nashr qilish o‘zbek, rus, ingliz tillarida amalga oshiriladi. Google Scholar ma’lumotlar bazalarida hovola etish. Nashr rejasi - uch oyda bir marta (yiliga to’rt marta).
" Jizzax innovatsion ta’limi " ilmiy jurnali Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti negizida 2020 yilda tashkil topgan bo‘lib, ta’lim tizimida erishilayotgan yutuqlar, innovatsion texnologiyalar, yangi metod va uslublar, zamonaviy tadqiqot usullari va tarbiyaning dolzarb muammolarga bag‘ishlangan. Jurnal uzluksiz ta’lim tizimidagi innovatsiyalar, yangi metodlar, tadqiqotlar, uslublar, ilmiy ishlar va izlanishlarning asosiy natijalari e’lon qilinishi kerak bo‘lgan ilmiy jurnallar ro‘yxatiga kiritilgan. Jurnalda asosan, Oliy ta'lim va o’rta ta’lim muassasalari, Kasb-hunar ta’limi, O’rta maxsus ta’lim, Xalq ta’limi, Maktabgacha ta’lim muassasalari va maxsus maktablar pedagog-xodimlari, professor-o’qituvchilar, mustaqil tadqiqotchilar, doktarantlarning ilmiy faoliyatga doir maqolalari nashr etiladi.
" Jizzax innovatsion ta’limi " ilmiy jurnalining vazifasi: Uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida faoliyat olib borayotgan barcha pedagog-xodimlarning ilmiy ishlari, maqolalarini nashr etishdan iboratdir. " Jizzax innovatsion ta’limi " ilmiy jurnali quyidagi yo‘nalishlarni o‘z ichiga oladi:
1.Innovatsion ta’limning dolzarb masalalari
Jurnalda Oliy ta'lim va o’rta ta’lim muassasalari, Kasb-hunar ta’limi, O’rta maxsus ta’lim, Xalq ta’limi, Maktabgacha ta’lim muassasalari va maxsus maktablarning pedagog-xodimlari va boshqa ilmiy faoliyat bilan shug‘ullanuvchi o‘qituvchilarning maqolalari nashr etiladi.
"Jizzax innovatsion ta’limi " jurnalning asosiy maqsadi: ta’lim tizimidagi va xorijiy ta’lim tizimidagi fundamental va amaliy ahamiyatga molik bo‘lgan ilmiy yutuqlardan foydalangan holda yangiliklar yaratish hamda uni keng jamoatchilikga taqdim etish orqali ta’lim sifatini yaxshilashdan iboratdir. Nashr qilish o‘zbek, rus, ingliz tillarida amalga oshiriladi. Google Scholar ma’lumotlar bazalarida hovola etish. Nashr rejasi har chorakda bir marta (yiliga to’rt marta).
atli o'quvchilar va mualliflar!
"Tadqiqot olami" jurnali (Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti jurnali) 2020 yilda Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti negizida yosh tadqiqotshunos olim (talaba, magistr va yosh tadqiqotshunos)lar uchun barcha sohani qamrab oluvchi ilmiy-uslubiy jurnal.
"Tadqiqot olami" jurnalining vazifasi mualliflar va o'quvchilar o'rtasida ilmiy hamkorlik uchun samarali platformani yaratishdir. Jurnal institutimizdagi barcha yo'nalishdagi masalalarni qamrab oladi va shu yo'nalishdagi tadqiqotlar bilan bog'liq ishlarni nashr qilishdan iborat.
Jurnalning asosiy maqsadi - ilmiy izlanishdagi yosh tadqiqotchilarning ilmiy yutuqlarini aks ettirish orqali fan rivojiga ko'maklashish.
Jurnal o'zbek va rus tillaridagi maqolalar nashr etadi.
"Tadqiqot olami" ilmiy-uslubiy jurnali quyidagi yo'nalishlar bo'yicha maqolalarni chop ettiradi:
1.Matematika va informatika;
2. Filologiya masalalari;
3. Pedagogika va psixologiya;
4. Maktabgacha ta'lim;
5. Fizika va texnologiya ta'limi;
6. Tarix;
7. Tabiiy fanlar;
8. San'atshunoslik;
9. Jismoniy madaniyat;
10. Boshlang'ich ta'lim;
Бу ильмий-услубий джурналга йош тадкикотшунос олимлар, иктидорли талабалар, магистрнарнинг ильмий иш натиджалари, тезис, маколалари кабул килинади .
Нашр хар уч ойда бир марта чикади ( йилига 4 т а).
Jurnalda qo'lyozmani ko'rib chiqish ва нашр етиш муддати 4 ойдан 6 ойгача .
Maqolalarning nashr etilishi dastlabki sonlari bepul.
Jurnal nashr etilmaydi:
- ilgari boshqa nashrlarda chop etilgan mualliflik huquqi materiallari;
- jurnal mavzusiga mos kelmaydigan materiallar;
- янги ма'лумотлар бо'лмаган йоки илмий фаолийат билан бог'лик бо'лмаган маколалар;
- noto'g'ri tarkibli materiallar.
Уважаемые читатели и авторы!
Журнал «Art Azii» основан в 2020 г. на базе Джизакского государтвенного педогогического Института научное рецензируемое издание, посвященное вопросам искуствоведении. Журнал включен в перечень рецензируемых научных изданий , в которых должны быть опубликованы основные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук.
Миссия издания «Art Azii” состоит в создании эффективной площадки для научного взаимодействия авторов и читателей. Научный журнал «Art Azii» – рецензируемое научное издание, освещающее вопросы искуств - музики и изобразительного искусствf, а также фундаментальных исследований искусствоведения. Адресуется преподавателям, научным сотрудникам, базовым докторантам, магистрантам и студентам институтов искуств, университетов и научных организаций.
Главной целью журнала является содействие развитию науки в области искусств посредством отражения фундаментальных и практически значимых научных достижений узбекских и зарубежных исследователей. Языки публикаций – русский, английский, узбекский. Цитируется в базах Google Scholar. Периодичность выхода – раз в шесть месяца (2 номера в год).
Журнал публикует статьи как на узбекском, русском, так и на английском языке. Периодичность выхода – раз в шесть месяца (2 номера в год).
Журналнинг асосий мақсади – мактабгача таълим йўналиши тадқиқотчиларнинг фундаментал ва амалий жиҳатдан муҳим илмий ютуқларини акс эттириш орқали мактабгача таълим йўналишидаги фанлар ривожига кўмаклашиш.
Журнал ўзбек, рус ва инглиз тилларида мақолалар нашр этади.
Dear readers and authors!
The journal The Journal of Natural Sciences was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of Natural Sciences. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of sciences must be published.General Provisions
The author's material (manuscript of an article) proposed for publication must be original, not published earlier in other publications and thematically correspond to the profile of the journal (Natural Sciences).
Of greatest interest are articles that contain theoretical, hypothetical, methodological, predictive and practical components, taking into account advanced foreign experience. Research is welcome that not only expresses the expert opinion of a scientist in the form of theoretical theses, but also ensures their reliability and validity with primary and secondary data.
The decision on the inconsistency of the article with formal requirements can be made by the Editorial Board of the journal on the basis of initial consideration.
The mission of the Journal of Natural Sciences is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Journal of Natural Sciences" is a scientific publication containing research in the field of chemistry, biology and geography .. Addressed to teachers, researchers, basic doctoral students, undergraduates and students of institutes, universities and scientific organizations.
The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of chemistry, biology and geography, reflecting the fundamental and important practical scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year). Cited in Google Scholar databases
“HISTORY AND SOCIETY” public electronic journal
Founded in 2020.
Topic: "Topical issues of history, archeology, ethnography", Philosophy and social development; Innovative approaches in teaching social sciences and humanities.
Dear readers and authors!
The journal "History and Society" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. Scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of history and society .. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences should be published , for the degree of Doctor of Science.
The mission of “History and Society “ is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "History and Society" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication covering issues Modern approaches to teaching methods of the humanities, topical issues of teaching methods of the humanities: problems and solutions, theoretical issues of history and humanities. Addressed to teachers, researchers, PhD, undergraduates and students of pedagogical institutes, universities and scientific organizations.
The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of history and society by reflecting the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. The frequency of publication is once every six months (2 issues per year).
The journal publishes articles in uzbek, russian and english. The frequency of publication is once every six months (2 issues per year).
A.G. Sheremetyeva, Ph. D., Professor, national University of Uzbekistan
S.E. Kamilova, Ph. D., Professor, national University of Uzbekistan
Z.D. Pardayeva, Ph. D., Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute
D.D. Khodzhimetova Ph. D. associate Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute
O.A. Kim Ph. D. associate Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute
Contact information
Editor in chief scientific publications Nurmanov Abdunazar Tashbaevich
Phone number: +998 97 522 56 65
Editor of the scientific publication Hasanov Eldar Rinatovich
Phone number: +998 93 304 13 65
Chief technical editor of a scientific publication Azimova Elvina Abdulhakovna
Phone number: +998 97 641 69 91
Адрес редакции
100138 Узбекистан, Джизак, ул. Ш. Рашидова, 4
Е-mail: elvina_shabakaeva.94@mail.ru или azimovaelvina_12.09.2020@mail.ru
Hurmatli o'quvchilar va mualliflar!
"Jismoniy tarbiya, sport va salomatlik" Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti, Jismoniy madaniyat fakulteti, sport turlarini o'qitish metodikasi va jismoniy madaniyatning nazariy va ilmiy jixatlari mutaxassislar tomonidan ko'rib chiqildi.
Jurnal funktsiyasi. "Jismoniy tarbiya, sport va salomatlik" jurnalining vazifasi mualliflar va talabalar o'rtasida ilmiy hamkorlik uchun samarali jarayon yaratishdir. Jurnalning ixtisoslashuvini hisobga olgan holda jismoniy tarbiya, sport ta'limi o'qitishning zamonaviy yondashuvlari; Jismoniy tarbiya, sport metodikasining dolzarb masalalari: muammolari va echimlari.
Jurnalning maqsadi. Jurnalning asosiy maqsadi tadqiqotchilarning jismoniy tarbiya va jismoniy madaniyat sohasidagi fundamental va amaliy jihatdan muhim ilmiy yutuqlarini aks ettiruvchi jismoniy tarbiya va pedagogika fanining rivojlanishiga ko'maklashishdir.
Jurnalda o'zbek, rus va ingliz tillarida maqolalar chop etiladi.
"Jismoniy tarbiya, sport va salomatlik" jurnali quyidagi yo'nalishlarda maqolalar chop etadi:
1) Jismoniy tarbiya, sport ta'limi o'qitishning zamonaviy yondashuvlari;
2) Jismoniy madaniyatning dolzarb masalalari, sport usullari: muammolari va echimlari.
3) jismoniy tarbiya, sportning nazariy masalalari.
4) Jismoniy tarbiya va sport pedagogikasi
5) Jismoniy tarbiya va sport psixologiyasi
6) Jismoniy tarbiya, sport fiziologiyasi, gigiena va tibbiyot sohasidagi ilmiy-uslubiy maqolalar qabul qilinadi.
Ilmiy-ommabop jurnal professor-o'qituvchilar, tadqiqotchilar, doktorantlar, umumta'lim maktablari, akademik litseylar, kasb-hunar kollejlari magistrlari va o'qituvchilarining ilmiy ishlari, dissertatsiyalari, maqolalari natijalarini qabul qiladi.
Ҳурматли ўқувчилар ва муаллифлар !
“Физика ва технологик таълим” журнали Жиззах давлат педагогика институти негизида 2020 йилда ташкил топган бўлиб, физика, астрономия, технологик таълим, профессионал таълим муаммоларига бағишланган. Журнал илмий тадқиқот ишларининг асосий натижаларини эълон қилиниши керак бўлган илмий журналлардан ҳисобланади. Журналда асосан, мустақил тадқиқотчилар, докторантлар, фалсафа докторлиги (PhD)га номзодлар диссертацияси, фан докторлиги даражасидаги илмий изланишларга доир мақолалар нашр этилади.
“Физика ва технологик таълим” журналининг вазифаси – бу муаллифлар ва китобхонлар ўртасида илмий ҳамкорлик учун самарали платформани яратишдир. “Физика ва технологик таълим” илмий журналида қуйидаги йўналишлар бўйича мақолалар нашр этилади: 1.Физика, Астрономия, Технологик таълим, Профессионал таълимнинг долзарб масалалари.
Журналда иқтидорли талабалар, магистрантлар, докторантлар, тадқиқотчи–ўқитувчилар ва бошқа илмий фаолият билан шуғулланувчи педагогик ходимларнинг илмий мақолалари нашр этилади.
Журналнинг асосий мақсади ўзбек ва хорижий тадқиқотчиларнинг фундаментал ва амалий аҳамиятга молик бўлган илмий ютуқларини акс эттириш орқали физика ва технологик таълим соҳасидаги илм–фан ривожланишига кўмаклашишдан иборатдир. Нашр қилиш ўзбек, рус ва инглиз тилларида амалга оширилади. Нашр этиш режаси – уч ойда бир марта (йилига 4 марта)
Dear readers and authors!
The journal Mathematics and informatics in education was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication devoted to mathematics and informatics. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science, under number .... The mission of the publication "Mathematics and informatics in education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Mathematics and informatics in education" is a scientific publication dedicated to fundamental and methodological research. An appeal to teachers, researchers, specialized doctoral students, students of pedagogical universities, universities and scientific organizations, practitioners.
The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of mathematics and computer science, reflecting the fundamental and practical scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
“Zamonaviy ta’limda pedagogika va psixologiya fanlari” ilmiy jurnali Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti negzida 2020 yil tashkil etilgan bo’lib, bugungi zamonaviy ta’lim jarayonida pedagogika va psixologiya fanlarining ilmiy yutuqlari va dozarb amaliy–tadbiqiy muammolariga bag’ishlanadi.Mazkur jurnalga quyidagi yo’nalishlarda maqolalar qabul qilinadi:
- 13.00.01 Pedagogika nazariyasi. Pedagogik ta’limotlar tarixi
- 13.00.02 Ta’lim va tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi (sohalar bо‘yicha)
- 13.00.03 Maxsus pedagogika
- 13.00.07 Ta’limda menejment
- 19.00.01 Psixologiya tarixi va nazariyasi. Umumiy psixologiya. Shaxs psixologiyasi
- 19.00.03 Inson kasbiy faoliyati psixologiyasi (nomi)
- 19.00.04 Tibbiy va maxsus psixologiya
- 19.00.05 Ijtimoiy psixologiya. Этнопсихология
- 19.00.06 Yosh va pedagogik psixologiya. Rivojlanish psixologiyasi
Dear readers and authors!
The journal "Innovations in primary education" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of primary education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences must be published.
The mission of the publication "Innovations in primary education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Innovation in primary education" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication covering the issues of Modern approaches to primary education, topical issues of primary education methodology: problems and solutions, theoretical issues of primary education. Addressed to teachers, researchers, basic doctoral students, undergraduates and students of pedagogical institutes, universities and scientific organizations.
The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of primary education by reflecting the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
Dear readers and authors!
Horizons of philology magazine was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to philology. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences, under number ....
The mission of Horizons of Philology is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Horizons of philology" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication covering issues of philology and fundamental research. Addressed to teachers, researchers, basic doctoral students, undergraduates and students of medical institutions, universities and scientific organizations, doctors of practical health care.
The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of philology by reflecting the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).
Hurmatli o'quvchilar va mualliflar!
Filiallar ufqlari jurnali 2020 yilda Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti - filologiyaga bag'ishlangan ilmiy tanqidiy nashr asosida tashkil etilgan. Jurnal fan nomzodi ilmiy darajasi, fan doktori ilmiy darajasi uchun dissertatsiyalarning asosiy natijalari .... raqami ostida ko'rib chiqilgan ilmiy nashrlar ro'yxatiga kiritilgan.
Filologiya ufqlari vazifasi mualliflar va o'quvchilar o'rtasida ilmiy ta'sir o'tkazish uchun samarali platformani yaratishdir. "Filologiya ufqlari" ilmiy jurnali - bu filologiya va fundamental tadqiqotlar masalalarini o'z ichiga olgan, ekspertlar tomonidan ko'rib chiqilgan ilmiy nashr. U o'qituvchilar, tadqiqotchilar, asosiy doktorantlar, tibbiyot institutlari, universitetlar va ilmiy tashkilotlar magistrantlari va talabalariga, amaliy sog'liqni saqlash shifokorlariga murojaat qiladi.
Jurnalning asosiy maqsadi - o'zbek va xorijiy tadqiqotchilarning fundamental va amaliy jihatdan muhim ilmiy yutuqlarini aks ettirib, filologiya sohasidagi ilm-fan rivojiga ko'maklashish. Nashrlar rus, ingliz, o'zbek tillari. Google Scholar ma'lumotlar bazalarida keltirilgan. Nashrning chastotasi - har uch oyda bir marta (yiliga 4 ta nashr).
Jurnalda o'zbek, rus va ingliz tillarida maqolalar chop etiladi. Nashrning chastotasi - har uch oyda bir marta (yiliga 4 ta nashr)
Established: 2020
Subject: Foreign Philology and Linguistics
Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics - on the basis of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, devoted to the issues of philology, methodology and linguistics of foreign languages, reviewed by scientific experts.
The function of the Journal. The task of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics is to create an effective platform for scientific collaboration between authors and students. Considering the specialization of the journal, it consists of the publication of works related to research on the theory, methodology and practice of foreign philology, linguistics.
The purpose of the Journal. The main purpose of the journal is to promote the development of the science of foreign language philology and linguistics by reflecting the fundamental and practically important scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers.
The Journal publishes articles in Uzbek, Russian and English.
The Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics publishes articles in the following areas:
The results of scientific work, theses, articles of professors, researchers, graduate students, masters and teachers of general education schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges are accepted to this scientific-popular journal.