This article provides information on what the STEAM education system is and its functions, effectiveness, and in what areas of education it can be used. It goes on to give a brief overview of the consequences of teaching foreign languages in this education system.
Как цитировать
G’aniyeva, H., Abdurahmonova, U., & Amirova, L. (2022). STEAM EDUCATION SYSTEM AND TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES WITH IT.: STEAM EDUCATION SYSTEM AND TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES WITH IT. Maktabgacha taʼlim Jurnali, 6(6). Retrieved from https://matinfo.jdpu.uz/index.php/presedu/article/view/7413
Hayriniso G'aniyeva
Umida Abdurahmonova
Lobar Amirova
STEAM education system, education, foreign languages, science, technology, engineering, science.Issue
Section: Articles