Опубликован 2021-06-12

Enhancement of Students’ Artistic Talents through Formation of Projective-Research Knowledge, Skills and Abilities


in this article, the advantages of fulfilling the projective-researching performance while arranging creational upbringing in a comprehensive-secondary institution.

Как цитировать

Абдулахадова, Ш. (2021). Enhancement of Students’ Artistic Talents through Formation of Projective-Research Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. АКТУАЛЬНОЕ В ФИЛОЛОГИИ, 3(3). извлечено от https://matinfo.jdpu.uz/index.php/ruslit/article/view/1736

Библиографические ссылки

Kh.Tagaev, U.K.Tolipov, Pedagogical base of enhancement of artistic personality. Methodological textbook. Institute of educational means / RAE (Russian Academy of Education), Moscow, 1993.

Khalemskiy G.A. “About growing artistic personality in the process of preparing young people to work”. М., “ Higher school”, 1991.

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Bandrenko А.I. Project as one the forms of organization of educational-upbringing process in a primary school. Primary school before and after. #5. 2004


Шохида Абдулахадова

Джизакский государственный педагогический институт имени А.Кадири

Ключевые слова:

perspective, projective-research, projective research, projective education, self-development, professional self-determination, motivation, art, inclination, giftedness, talent, genius

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